Westmoor Club

Three grass tennis courts and croquet on the island of Nantucket. A fun challenge! We were asked to come up with a design, be the owners representative during construction, provide a maintenance plan and help find a grounds superintendent. Being on an island where the ferry was the only way to get specialized supplies would always be an issue, so to begin we looked for a local soil. After soil testing we found a sandy loam soil on the property! Perfect for tennis and no shipping needed. This was a surprise as the entire island is made up of sand. Many years before an owner of the land had brought in loam from the mainland to build a baseball field - this saved a lot of time and money. Next we had to decide on grading so that the courts would drain properly, but also keep the grade small enough so that tennis and croquet would not be affected by any slope. Grass choice, irrigation design, fencing, net posts and maintenance equipment purchase were next in the planning stage.

Then came construction. Drainage, general grade, fine laser grading, sod choice and installation and irrigation installation. Construction took about three months. It was now time to get the new grass ready for winter and to find someone who could care for the high maintenance grass the following spring. We found a super grounds superintendent - Tim Burns, who did terrific work getting the new Westmoor Club ready for play. Detailed design, on schedule construction and quality after care with a qualified sports turf manager made for an excellent playing surface!


Crabgrass Now?