Crabgrass Now?

It is March 23, 2023. No snow on the ground. A little warmer than typical in the Boston area. You start thinking about spring and a green lawn. TV commercials are on about applying fertilizer and weed control. We have even seen other lawn companies putting these products down this week! It is tempting to get going, but it is usually a mistake. The grass plants are not growing yet, so any fertilizer that is applied is not being used. Weed control - too early. Putting it out now means the weed control will not be around in mid summer when weed pressure is at its highest.

A well founded spring turf management program looks at soil temperature, weather forecast and climate modeling so that the applications are efficient and safe for the environment. Best Management Practices! By the way, at Lawn and Fields of Boston, we use BMP’s so that you get what you pay for.


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